Cavapoos: Pros V Cons

Pros & Cons of Owning a Cavapoo

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Getting a new puppy is a huge decision that should not be made without doing some research. I get it, all puppies are cute, but that doesn’t mean they all would fit well with your lifestyle (ie if you’re a couch potato, then you probably don’t want an Aussie). Choosing a dog that does fit into your lifestyle benefits both you are your new pup!

If you’re here, then you’ve probably decided to get a doodle! Here, we’ll discuss the pros and cons of those ADORABLE, TINY teddy bears - the Cavapoo!

what is a cavapoo?

First, let’s get down to the basics. What even is a Cavapoo? - A Cavapoo is the mix of a Cavalier King King Charles Spaniel and a Poodle.

Pros of Owning a Cavapoo

You mean, aside from their adorable, teddy bear-ish looks?! Cavapoos make great dogs for just about anyone, even the first time pet owner! Did you know that getting a dog in general has many health benefits for humans too? According to the CDC these include the following:

  • decreased blood pressure & triglyceride levels

  • lower cholesterol levels

  • reduced feelings of loneliness & help you be more social

  • help you be more active

  • ease stress

    Continue reading to find out what makes owning a Cavapoo so special!

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low shedding

Like other doodle mixes, Cavapoos generally don’t shed very much, if at all, which typically makes them a good choice for someone with dog allergies. Keep in mind that not all coat types are the same and some may be more likely to shed than others. For example, a Cavapoo with a curly or wavy coat is less likely to shed than one that has an unfurnished coat, which resembles the Cavalier’s coat more. In general, most unfurnished puppies will still shed less than a full bred Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.


Cavapoos are known to be affectionate, friendly, and eager to please. When socialized properly, Cavapoos do well with strangers and other pets. They are often referred to as “velco dogs” as they move to be with their humans.


Eager to please like the Cavalier and intelligent like the Poodle - its no surprise that Cavapoos are considered easy to train! Keep in mind that this is a sensitive breed and to be successful, you should only use positive reinforcement training.

longer lifespan

Cavapoos tend to live longer than their Cavalier parent, with an average lifespan of 10-15 years.

good for the novice owner + adaptable

Cavapoos are a friendly, intelligent breed that is relatively easy to care for - making them great for even the first time dog owners. Along with that, they are small in size and are able to adapt to different living situations. Whether you live in an apartment or a huge house with a yard - your Cavapoo will be happy as long as they’re with you!

low exercise requirements

The Cavapoo is a friendly, playful breed and while they do still need mental and physical stimulation to keep them happy and healthy, they don’t require extensive exercise. Most will be happy with a gave of fetch in the yard, going for a walk around the neighborhood, or even playing with another pet!

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Cons of Owning a Cavapoo

seperation anxiety

Separation anxiety is a common chronic canine disorder and while it can affect any breed, some breeds are more prone to developing it. A dog with separation anxiety may bark, howl, or whine constantly when left alone. They may also manifest more destructive behaviors such as digging, chewing, or going potty in the house.

Cavapoos are friendly, affectionate dogs and, like their Cavalier parent, they make great companion dogs. They prefer to be in the company of their people and generally don’t do well when left alone for long periods of time. If you are someone who works a lot or doesn’t have a lot of time to spend with their furry friend, then this isn’t the breed for you.

grooming requirements

Similar to the Poodle, Cavapoos will need regular grooming, such as brushing, trimming, and bathing, to keep their coat healthy and mat free. It is recommended that doodles get trimmed every 6-8 weeks for a trim. This can either be done by a groomer, or your can learn to do it yourself to save some money. How often your Cavapoo needs brushed will likely depend on how long you keep their coat. For example. if you like the long, shaggy look, then weekly (or even daily) brushing is a must. A shorter coat, will still require brushing, but not as often.

Don’t forget to take their coat type into consideration as some require more maintenance than others.


If you’re looking for a dog that can protect you and your family, then a Cavapoo is not the breed for you. With their small size and friendly nature, they would likely make friends with an intruder rather than protect you.

should you get a cavapoo

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